SuperCollider has OSC support in its core, as it is based in a client-server model for communicating between sclang (client-side) and scsyth (server-side). Processing supports OSC communication via the oscP5 library which is one of the standard libraries that Processing is shipped.
I found a bit tricky to send messages from SC3 to Processing. I was looking the oscP5 methods checkTypetag
and getTypetagAsBytes
though the problem is that the incoming data in Processing are in a hexadecimal which I was not able to decode using unhex
function. I found in sccode a script by Fredrik Olofsson which implements communication from scsynth output to processing via sclang.
The script by Fredrik Olofsson is a generalization of the scripts below. I modified the Processing script in order to be able to send one-by-one float numbers from SC3.
s.boot; n = NetAddr("", 47120); // open 47120 on localhost server ( SynthDef(\blip, { | freq = 440, amp = 0.85, att = 0.01, rel = 0.06, ffreq = 1000 | var sig, env, lfo; sig =, 0, amp); env =, rel), doneAction:2); lfo = * ffreq);,*env, ffreq),*lfo))) }).add; ) Synth(\blip); ( f = fork { loop { 256 do: { |i| n.sendMsg("/sc3p5", i.asFloat); // send OSC message to P5 Synth(\blip, [\freq, 440+i, \ffreq, 1000+i*2]); ((i+1).reciprocal*2).wait; } } }; ) f.stop;
Processing script.
import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; float x; // global variable void setup() { size(400, 300); frameRate(24); background(0); smooth(); OscProperties properties = new OscProperties(); properties.setListeningPort(47120); // osc receive port (from sc) oscP5 = new OscP5(this, properties); } void oscEvent(OscMessage msg) { if (msg.checkAddrPattern("/sc3p5")) { x = msg.get(0).floatValue(); // receive floats from sc } } void draw() { background(x, x, x); println("POST: ", x); // draw rect stroke(256-x/2, 256-x*abs(sin(x)), 256-x/4); strokeWeight(4); fill(256-x/2, 256-x, 256-x*abs(sin(x))); translate(width/2, height/2); rotate(x%64); rect(x%64, x%64, x*abs(sin(x))%128, x*abs(sin(x))%128, 6); }
The output of these two programs looks like the video below.
In order to produce a video recording of my sketch in Processing I used the function saveFrame()
. Instead of using Processing's Movie Maker I used the command line ffmpeg
video converter. I had troubles to match the lengths between the audio recording from SC3 and the video. For that purpose, I counted the image files that were produced using saveFrame()
function and I counted the samples of the audio recording in SC3 using Buffer
class and numFrames
method. The final formula was like this: (NUM_OF_SAMPLES / SAMPLING_RATE) / NUM_OF_FRAMES
. Instead of 24fps that I used, my script in Processing produced frames approximately at 16fps.
In order to make an mp4 from png frames and embed the audio recording I used the following commands from ffmpeg wiki:
# -framerate is the processing's output rate, -r 24 is the fps of the out.mp4 ffmpeg -framerate 16 -i img%03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 24 -pix_fmt yuv420p video.mp4
ffmpeg -i audio.aif -b:a 320000 audio.mp3 # 320000 is the bit rate of the mp3 (320k)
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mp4